Hi, I am Beth Koritz
I help entrepreneurs, healers, coaches & individuals gain clarity & create their soul-led, purpose driven life and business.
Live a life of authenticity, that is in alignment with who you are meant to be!
Intuitive Clarity Coach
Licensed Professional Counselor
Author - Speaker
Beth talking about the work she does with her clients.
When we work together you will:
Live in energetic alignment & excitement about the life you’re creating.
Build relationships based on authenticity & acceptance.
Become stronger, more confident, compassionate, peaceful, and feel at home in your body.
Quiet your critical inner voice & raise your intuitive voice.
Move forward without fears or limiting beliefs
Easily make choices based on what is best for you without fearing ‘what will people think’.
Build & grow your business with integrity, purpose & passion.
1:1 Coaching Experience
Gain Clarity
Claim your path as who you truly are vs
who you're trying to be
Increase Confidence
Activate your inner powers
Take Soul-Led Action
Create your life in alignment
Take a personal inventory
Breakthrough limiting fears & beliefs
Increase your self-awareness
Self-acceptance & Self-love
Body acceptance and self-compassion
Releasing expectations of others & society
Communication with yourself and others
Intuition & spiritual connections
Take action with intention
Identify your purpose & how you choose to express it
Create joy and passion
Set and reach goals
Live in certainty and gratitude
Things My Clients Say!
“I can't believe how quickly I changed the way I saw myself. I am more comfortable in my skin than I've ever been!”
- Samm B
"Somewhere along the way, I got so caught up in the roles I was living I lost who I was as a person. Thank you for helping me find ME!
- Debbie G
“I'm finally living the life that I want to live instead of the life I thought I was supposed to live. I can't wait to see what is next.”